Top 6 reasons to run for charity


1.            Running for charity gives you a goal.

When you decide to run for charity in a charity running event you will have a much better chance of actually crossing the finishing line. Charity runners have a secret weapon, this weapon is the pride and motivation that comes from supporting their chosen charity and ensuring they make their fundraising donors proud!


2.            Charity running provides motivation to train.

Oh the training, it can be a slog to say the least. You have a few months to train for your charity running event, and winter has hit, temperatures have fallen and it is soggy out there! Do charity runners give up? Nope, they get out there and train, train, train! Charity runners are extra motivated to make it to the charity running event in peak fitness and this entails training. Training sessions are made easier, even in winter months when the charity and the cause is at the heart of the efforts.


3.            Heartfelt Running

Many charity runners select their charity run based on an experience of life event that has changed of affected them. Runners can gain a real sense of accomplishment by supporting a cause or charity that is close to their heart. This type of charity running can be the most rewarding and can help alleviate pain and heartache from past experiences.

4.      Embracing the charity and it’s community

Your chosen charity will do all it can to support you a your charity running event. This may include training plans, nutritional assistance, fundraising tips and packs, as well as training sessions and charity meet-ups. This is a great way for charities and those who run for the charity to connect with each other and the community of likeminded individuals.

5.   Charity running Camaraderie

Imagine participating in a marathon for charity, surrounded by thousands of people who are all there to achieve the same goal. Think smiles, kind words, high fives and even hugs. Yes, charity runners find each other amongst the crowds and support each other in a way that is truly beautiful.


6.   Spectators make it all worth while

Charity runners get the loudest cheers at charity running events. Who doesn’t love and respect the ones who sign up to run for charity. If you want that personal touch at your next charity running event, put your name on your charity running vest! You will be sure to be personally applauded.


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