You have taken that first step to sign up for a charity run. You have a load of great fundraising ideas and have already started fundraising! Now it’s time to don a charity running vest and start training for your charity run.  Training for your charity run is imperative, no matter if you have signed up for a 10k for charity, a half marathon for charity And especially if you have committed to a marathon for charity.

Running outside is empowering, enriching and revitalizing – but if you’re just starting out as a charity runner - it can sometimes feel daunting.
Here’s how to embrace your inner strength and get out there so you are prepared for your upcoming charity run.

If you’re new to charity running – or would like to sign up for a marathon forcharity – it can be normal to experience a certain amount of anxiety about running outside for the first time. When training for your charity run, running along the open roads can feel intimidating if you’re not used to it, and worries about what other people might think can seem overwhelming. However, take a deep breath, clear your mind and read our top eight tips
on how to boost your running self-esteem, so you can head out of the door with confidence!

Don your charity running vest

Believe us – Charity running vests have super powers. Wearing your charity running vest or your upcoming charity run or a charity running vest you proudly own from previously completing a run for charity tells the world around you a story. This story goes a little like this: “The awesomely fantastic individual in this charity running vest is taking time out of their extremely busy life to get out there and fundraise for a charity. This charity vest is out  there making a massive difference and the world a better place”
Now that story has got to generate at least a few smiles or looks of encouragement!

Don’t worry about others 

If you’re anxious about what people will think if they see you outside training for your charity run, don’t be! Even though you might feel like you stand out a mile, you really don’t. The truth is, everyone is usually so caught up in their own lives, concentrating on where they need to be and what their own day entails, they will likely not give you a second glance.

Focus on your achievements

Remember, it’s about what your body can do, not what your body looks like and also where your fundraising ideas & efforts end up – all for the good of your charity! So what if you’re running technique is not of a professional standard? You are not a professional runner, you a champion who have committed to run for charity! So what if you can currently only jog for a minute or two? It’s fundraising and supporting your charity that is most important. You’re still lapping everyone sat on the sofa in front of a box set, so hold your head up high and go for it – all the way to your charity event day. You’re awesome! Just don’t forget to breathe.

Try a run/walk plan

When training for your charity run, if you’re worried you can only run for a minute or two, follow a run/walk plan that will take you from complete beginner to being able to run a 5K in a few months. Taking deliberate
walk breaks will give you a confidence boost, and by starting slowly you’ll be more likely to stick with it and mark your mark at your charity run.

Charity running kit – to fit!

While all you really need to get started is a good pair of running shoes and – if you’re ad woman – a decent sports bra, it can be hard to feel confident if you’re out running in a pair of decades-old jogging bottoms and that paint-spattered T-shirt you usually reserve for decorating. Now that you have committed to a run for charity – you deserve to look after yourself.  Investing in some running-specific technical gear will not only help you look
fantastic, but with its sweat-wicking and breathable properties, you’ll feel much better, too. Look out for sustainable kit that practices ethical & responsible manufacturing.

Find a charity running buddy

You know that old saying, a problem shared is a problem halved? It goes for running, too! If you are nervous about heading out alone to train for your charity run, why not enlist a friend? Running for charity with someone else can give you a huge confidence boost, as well as your own personal motivator, as you can spur each other on to keep going all the way to your charity running event. A friend will also be very resourceful when it comes to fundraising ideas.

Charity running - we all start somewhere

You know those other runners out there? The ones who can run for miles and have completed many charity runs in London and even globally. Remember – they were once total charity running beginners, too. Rarely is someone simply ‘good’ at running long distances for charity events; it
takes practice, effort and perseverance. So stick with it – you’re doing great.

Everyone’s different especially when it comes to charity running

If you have an image in your head that only the super svelte can run for charity, wipe it immediately from your mind. You don’t need to fit a particular stereotype to be an awesome charity runner; whatever your body shape or size, you can run for charity.

Time it right

If you’re feeling conscious but still want to run outside to train for your charity run, choose a time and a place that will be quiet, so you can gain confidence in relative privacy. But remember, safety is paramount when training for your charity event: always tell someone where you’re going and how long you expect to be out; bring a phone with you but keep it out of sight; and if it’s after dark, wear high-viz clothing and stick to well-lit areas.

Don’t forget to smile!

You have made the positive decision to run for charity and embrace a dramatic lifestyle change that doesn’t only benefit your charity but also
your health and fitness, which is definitely worth smiling about! So turn that frown upside down and get ready to face the world you awesome charity runner you!

 You are a charity runner now, welcome to the club.


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