
Showing posts from May, 2019


You have taken that first step to sign up for a charity run. You have a load of great fundraising ideas and have already started fundraising! Now it’s time to don a charity running vest and start training for your charity run.   Training for your charity run is imperative, no matter if you have signed up for a 10k for charity , a half marathon for charity And especially if you have committed to a marathon for charity. Running outside is empowering, enriching and revitalizing – but if you’re just starting out as a charity runner - it can sometimes feel daunting. Here’s how to embrace your inner strength and get out there so you are prepared for your upcoming charity run. If you’re new to charity running – or would like to sign up for a marathon forcharity – it can be normal to experience a certain amount of anxiety about running outside for the first time. When training for your charity run, running along the open roads can feel intimidating if you’re not u...